Thursday, March 31, 2011
The 60's continuation
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The 60’s movie (Part II)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
The 60's(part 2)
The 60's Movie Reflection , Part. 2
In this second part of the movie we see how the movements have evolved and becoming something else even thou they have the same purpose. For example the young protestors of the university like Michael are now hippies which promote peace and love. The black movement took a drastic turn after the death of Martin Luther King Jr. since they became a more violent group. Also we see that Bryan and apparently all of the country believe that the Vietnam War has a true reason to be (which doesn’t) and that his young brother is not appreciating the risk of losing his life for “defending the United States”. Finally we see Kathy as the wife of a hippie singer that is irresponsible and that does not care much about his son, since he is more concentrated on being high and his music gigs. This also reveals the truth of those days when they were little helps from government for the people that didn’t have a job and that had to work on the lowest levels of society like Kathy working as a stripper. The protests in all the country were getting to another level of social transformation since they were affecting directly the roots of the problem. Students took the university by force as a way of protesting very similar to what happened here on campus which was something never done before which caught a lot of attention by the media. Also the burning of Draft Cards and dollars were sings of how intellectual the protests were being held now. Some strange customs that are presented in the movie is the constant smoking of marihuana which obviously evolved in addiction problems later and the hippie congregations were they danced and danced manically. The 60’s was opening the door for the controversial 70’s that followed up as the historical moments advanced.
The 60's Movie Reflection , Part. 1
In the sixties movie presented in class we can observe a lot of important social movements happening at the same time. The first one I saw is the raising importance of educating oneself. Michael the younger male is not well appreciated by his father who prefers his oldest and testosterone-full brother Bryan. We can see that being well educated was considered important but was not really well appreciated by others. This search of knowledge leads Michael to question him, society and the government which involves him in the revolutionary events happening around him. I see him as part of the pioneer thinkers that helped mold the world to what it is now. Another movement represented in the movie is the liberal woman and her rights. Michael’s youngest sister Kathy is the best at showing her independence of society. She has sex with the man she wanted to, dances as she wants and with the one she wants to. In her time she was seem like a spoiled brat but the reality is that she is not too different of the woman of nowadays. The rights of women in the other hand are not fully developed since they were starting to demand equines in gender thus in the black communities the woman is more respected than her white counterpart. The final movement seen in this movie is the Black Power Movement which was starting to manifest against segregation in the United States. We can see that in the city of Alabama some people where fighting for the right to vote of the black people and where not welcomed. Their protests were peaceful and without any intents of hurting someone but the racism was stronger than common sense which always ended in a white hurting a black guy. The movie also mentions some important events that motivated these movements like the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the Vietnam War and the speeches of Martin Luther King Jr. These great events led to some interesting changes in the movements and their effect on society.
The 60's
Monday, March 28, 2011
The 60's Movie Review
Sunday, March 27, 2011
The 60's movie review
Friday, March 25, 2011
Two can play
Monday, March 21, 2011
Reflection on "Two Can Play"
As observed in the play “Two Can Play” by Trevor Rhone; Jim is a very complex and dynamic character whose attitude varies drastically as the story proceeds. From the beginning the reader can perceive Jim as a very coward male that hides behind his chauvinistic way of thinking as an excuse for not satisfying his role as “the man of the house” in front of her wife Gloria. Example of this coward attitude, are the gunshots he hears that scare him to the point that he has to take valium pills to ease his paranoia of being shot. The pathetical way of reacting to this matter is antagonized by the bravery of her wife which is the one that is always fixing his problems. After Jim’s father dies he drastically changes his attitude to be more like a brave man or something close to it. This fake change is still dominated by his wife since she is the one that takes care about everything in the house. Jim only takes the role of a “man” at the time he gives orders or complains about something. He is no more of a coward trying to look strong so he can make himself and his wife believe that he is something important. In the other hand we have his wife Gloria that takes the place of both men and women in the house. She cooks, she took care of Jim’s dad, she pays the bills, she buys food, and well, in sum she does everything. She is the brave one that does not succumb to the fears that his husband has. She is the example of a strong woman that works hard to make something out of her life with or without the help of her husband. She is the central pillar of the house and of Jim’s life whether or not he wants to accept it. They are not the perfect couple but they do are the only thing that each other has. Maybe that is why they are so important to each other. Even though that Jim does not show his feelings until late in the story, Gloria in her way of being show the love and compromise that she has to her husband. This story is getting really good and I wait for a fantastic ending, maybe one In which Jim becomes a man after all or accept his male inferiority as compared to his wife.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Reflection on "Two Can Play"by Trevor Rhone
Friday, March 18, 2011
Analize the ways in which Jim tries to be masculine
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Review of “Two Can Play”
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The Samurai
The samurai technique is about not being afraid of editing your own work just because you spent a lot of time into it. There are going to be times where our writing is good, bad or super good. It’s up to us to distinguish when our writing is good, really good or bad. If it’s not really good then we should cut it out and leave the essential. This is how really god poems develop, with really good and strong fractions. One good example of this is a minisaga. A minisaga is a super short story where a whole plot develops with just a few sentences. In order to have a good minisaga you’ll have to use the Samurai technique, where you cut out anything that’s not necessary or not really good. I wanted to share with you guys a minisaga that a friend of mine did and I really think is really good. Her name is Yoarelis Olavarría and this is her masterpiece:
Dead End
Road trip. Fun and smiles. Then Impatience takes over the wheel. A reckless turn. Suddenly, the wheel is misleading their destiny. A crash. Blood. Bruises. Wounds deeper than skin. A widowed husband. Motherless passengers. Now cars pass by. Impatience, observing its work of art, welcomes Death to the passenger’s seat.
Imagine yourself sitting in front of a computer, at this bare second…writing. Imagine also, that you are someone that loves to read because reading takes your mind to the limits of imagination; someone that loves to paint or draw because through it you can show people the way your mind sees things. Imagine you are someone who sees the world differently through the lens of a camera, because you can focus on the beauty of a candle stick or a rock. Someone that loves to dance, because through dance you can show the passion of feelings through movement. Imagine you are someone that cannot contain a smile each time you feel the warmth of the sun or the breeze of the wind touch your skin; someone that on a friend’s face sees happiness just because they form part of your life. If you imagined this, then on that minute, on that second or fraction of a second…you were being me.
My name is Karla M. De Jesus and I guess this pretty much expresses how i am and how i feel towards the world around me. I study Computer Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus and I'm 18 years old. I am a very spontaneous and artistic and i hope you, dear reader, enjoy the things i'll be posting. Enjoy the blog while you can; it's a limited time edition blog.
Love is patient, love is kind,
Love does not insist on its own way.
Love bears all things, believes all things,
Hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails.
- I Corinthians 13:4-8
Monday, March 14, 2011
A Little Bit About Me
Writing in a Restaurant
Just a little about myself
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence and fulfills the duty to express the results of his thought in clear form."
-Albert Einstein
"A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive." (Albert Einstein, 1954)
Activity: Use Loneliness
Sunday, March 13, 2011
- Natalie Goldberg
Ever since I was 15 years old, I have been obsessed with exercising. I can spend hours talking about the subject and never get tired. My eyes commence to shine every time I speak of it. I have stimulated my mother and some friends to adapt to this healthy lifestyle. My mother has lost over 35 pounds and she feels very content with what she has achieved. Sometimes my father sees me exercising at 2:00am and he tells me that I am crazy and that I should go to sleep. It is so funny to see him get mad at that hour, but I usually ignore him and continue my workout. Some of my friends are addicted to alcohol and other drugs. My drug is exercising. When you release endorphins while working out, they interact with receptors in your brain that help you appease your perception of pain. Another function of endorphins is acting as sedatives in response to neurotransmitters. The endorphins bind to the same neuron receptors that pain medicines bind to. The jolly feeling triggered by endorphins is constantly compared to the effects of morphine. Regularity in exercising is essential. It has been scientifically proven that working out helps reduce stress, boosts self-esteem and improve sleeping habits among other health benefits. I could not survive without exercise. It gives me the strength, the attitude and the stamina that I need to fulfill my daily duties, encompassing my studies and chores. I have a membership in the YMCA gym, and I own most of the beachbody programs. These programs include plyometrics (jump training), Kenpo Karate, Core Synergystics, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), Yoga, Pilates, anaerobics, resistance training, weight training, Capoeira, among others. I also enjoy running in El Parque Central. I can write about fitness and exercise perpetually, but I will not torture anyone.
A little About Myself
My name is Louis Gerald Santiago Flores and I am from Caguas, Puerto Rico. I am a student at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus. I live with my brother and my mom since my dad was murdered last year. We live in a small house in the mountains where we enjoy the warmth and cold of nature.Playing the guitar is the most important thing to me after breathing and poetry. I am a very dedicated musician and writer, it is my way of expressing my feelings and staying calm. I write poems every time I feel inspired (which by the way, is very rare) and usually write about something deep or epic. I don't like writing crappy stuff. I am a very active person in my church and community. I am the coordinator of seven of the church's chorus two of them composed by children. I am a very quiet guy that does not like speaking out of place or in the wrong moment, so I prefer to remain silent in most cases. I am studying mechanical engineering and aspire to become a lawyer after I graduate. That is pretty much about myself and if you are reading this is because you are in the best blog available on the internet right now. Welcome tho The Lords and Ladies of The Ink page. This is OUR PRECIOUS!! Blog.... GIVE ME THE RING!!! Emmm sorry, I ment, to give us some feedback. Have a nice Day! Blessings