Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The 60’s movie (Part II)

The 60’s movie (Part II)
                During this second part of the movie the same issues are presented as in the first part but there are still no solutions, just more problems and tension. The movie begins with a festival where it can be observed that the hippie movement has evolved. Even Katie is now all about peace and love. Not so far apart, the protesters from Michael’s university promote the same ideals, during a protest to stop the war they all go forward to where the soldiers are standing blocking them and trying to prevent a chaos. Just when things might get violent Michael starts shouting “We are not against the soldiers, we are against the war.” As a part of the tradition of calmness and peace always, a great amount of people smoke marihuana and brownies with the substance, even soldiers. Nowadays many people still consume marihuana but not in such an exaggerated manner as in the hippie movement.  The African-American Civil Rights Movement still continues and the black civilians are exhausted of the treatment they receive. Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated and a riot commences. African-Americans started vandalizing everything that came in their path, and Emmet is a part of it. Earlier in the movie he expresses to his father how tired he is of the fact that nothing has changed for them after all they have already been through. When his father finally finds him he takes his gun away from him before an accident could happen and they hold on to each other. Emmet realizes that his actions were inappropriate. At that moment the police arrive and they see the gun, Emmet’s father is shot and killed. On the other hand, Sarah keeps herself involved in political events and starts distancing from Michael. Turns out that Kenny (the leader of the protests) wins her over. Ever since his “heroic” action in front of the train she felt a sudden attraction. Kenny offered her backstage tickets for Bob Dylan and winning her over in every way while Michael just felt hopeless. Sarah likely got won over by materialism because there is no sign in the movie that he made any emotional effort to win her over. Of course he liked her but he just bought her and she fell over his image and “heroism,” he was her ideal man. Michael did his best but he would not go to the limits Kenny did. At a certain moment Michael goes home to get signs for a campaign. He asks his mother to sign and tells her that she should decide for herself even if his father does not approve and she has the right to do so. When his father arrives he starts talking about how Bryan is fighting for his country and mocks Michael’s ideals. Her mother finally stands up to him and tells him that she has always supported his manner of thinking all of those years and that he should respect her. He offers no response and Michael shows a grimace for her bravery at the moment. 

1 comment:

  1. Can you reflect on an issue rather that continue summarizing the film? What do you mean about Sarah being "won over by materialism?"
