Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The 60's Movie Reflection , Part. 2

In this second part of the movie we see how the movements have evolved and becoming something else even thou they have the same purpose. For example the young protestors of the university like Michael are now hippies which promote peace and love. The black movement took a drastic turn after the death of Martin Luther King Jr. since they became a more violent group. Also we see that Bryan and apparently all of the country believe that the Vietnam War has a true reason to be (which doesn’t) and that his young brother is not appreciating the risk of losing his life for “defending the United States”. Finally we see Kathy as the wife of a hippie singer that is irresponsible and that does not care much about his son, since he is more concentrated on being high and his music gigs. This also reveals the truth of those days when they were little helps from government for the people that didn’t have a job and that had to work on the lowest levels of society like Kathy working as a stripper. The protests in all the country were getting to another level of social transformation since they were affecting directly the roots of the problem. Students took the university by force as a way of protesting very similar to what happened here on campus which was something never done before which caught a lot of attention by the media. Also the burning of Draft Cards and dollars were sings of how intellectual the protests were being held now. Some strange customs that are presented in the movie is the constant smoking of marihuana which obviously evolved in addiction problems later and the hippie congregations were they danced and danced manically. The 60’s was opening the door for the controversial 70’s that followed up as the historical moments advanced.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think that the 70s addressed these social problems you mention here? That's an interesting insight...and probably it's a true legacy of the 60's.
