Sunday, April 17, 2011

Blog Refflection

Since the first day that the professor mentioned that we had to make a blog and actually publish our writing on it, I was very intimidated. I was not aware of how people would react to my writing since people were going to be able to read it. I’ve had some similar experiences by publishing poems in Facebook but the difference between a poem and a general writing is very evident when you start actually reading and comparing them. A poem if it’s sounds good and has a deep or cute message on it you can post it and forget about negative opinions since poetry is free for everyone and it can be written as you like. Writing is the exact opposite of it, in order to make a competent writing you have to put your own personal opinion, experiences, feelings and perspectives. Along with that you have to write precisely, with a sequence and with meaning, above that all of it has to come together along to be called a “good” writing. All of this is really hard to do and is something that you think twice before letting another person to read it, but this time ANYONE could. After I started reading my classmate’s work I encouraged myself to publish my work, even though I was the first one to publish on our blog I was not very sure. Work after work I got confidence and eventually had it all under control.
By doing this project I learned that all of us have a lot of different opinions about a same topic which really impressed me since I never took the time to do that before. The varied reactions and approaches that each one of us take to state our points, improved my writing in a big and positive way. I also learned how to have self confidence in my own work and the things I write. This was a big issue for me before since I was always scared of my work not being good enough. In sum this project helped us in a great and positive way. We learned how to make a blog and use it. We were also able to evaluate our classmate’s work to improve our writing. It was a nice experience to go “through the worlds eyes” and letting your voice be heard. I am most grateful with everyone and I can’t wait to see how our blog is going to evolve after this class is done but most important: I survived the blog project!


  1. You know, there's a big difference between 'not being good enough' versus 'being nothing at all'. Not many try to have a voice, for whatever reason, and it's often because of themselves; and maybe we do need that extra push someone gives us to actually do things worth doing.

  2. If people don't speak their minds sometimes is because their worries take half of their lives. Some people have so many preoccupations that they don't have enough time to think in anything else than survival. It is extremely true that we have different opinions upon the same topics, but diversity is what makes the world beautiful, if not it would be a dull place. I am eager to see how this blog evolves too.
