Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Contribution to the blog

            Since the first moment I heard about the blog, I was eager to begin with it, because it was something different from anything else I have done in a class before. When we split the classroom into two groups I felt it was a challenge, because it is extremely difficult to gather a group of people with different thoughts and opinions, and get them to make a good job, reason why I tend to hate working in teams; however, it was the opposite. Our team work is great, we have bonded very well and I am happy working with all of the members. Although I felt comfortable with our team, I knew that all of us must have to work synchronized to make our part in order to achieve a good work. I understand that we have done that, and I do not have any complain from any of the members. We have divided equally our responsibilities and have done it right.
            My current work in the blog is as a researcher, which carries the responsibility of finding out what we don’t know. One of my first contributions to the blog was in the very beginning of it, during the creation of the blog itself. I was sent to find out how to make a blog. It was a process of learning in the hard way, because I have never done a blog before in my whole life, until our leader, Samalis, or as I call her, boss, sent me a link that said step by step how to make the blog. Finally we made it, the blog was done, but then we had to fill it. I have to recognize that sometimes I forget to make the posts, because there is a lot of work from every class, and always when you come out of a class, you have a new assignment to do. However I have done my best to keep on track and I take every work with the respect it deserves. When I made my first entry, I was confused, because it was about me. I wanted to do a good presentation of myself, but at the same time, I did not wanted to reveal too personal things, like that I sing in the shower. Thoughts “anyone could read it”, or “that sounds awkward”, passed through my mind, but in the end, writing about me was no more difficult than writing in facebook. Another entry that was difficult, was writing one entry of the journal. It was tough, because the journal contains personal information and things that should be kept in secret. Then I found one that I wanted to share, one activity called Composting. That activity, although revealed things about me, said things that I wanted people to know, like how is it to be an immigrant. After all, the activities have kept flowing better and better, and I am doing well in the blog, the only complain I have about myself is that sometimes I forget to make the entries, and that I forget to send the links to our professor, however it is no problem that cannot be healed, so lets get started right now, and post this reflection.

1 comment:

  1. Your honesty makes me smile, Carlos! Have you notice any changes in your writing? I see that you have become braver and that's great! (I love to know that you sing in the shower! ha!) I didn't think that a blog would be so challenging and I'm glad that you mastered the process and the fear!
