Throughout the final scenes of the movie the same issues were addressed such as gender roles and racism. Nowadays racism is not as strongly noticed in society as it used to during the 1960’s decade but its presence is recognized. There are numerous examples of situations where black are discriminated over whites in politics, work and even in neighborhoods. An example in the field of politics can be the very own President of the United States Barack Obama. His campaign in 2008 was a very controversial one not only because of his muslim heritage but also because of being black. He received numeral threats and offensive comments from specific groups from numerous communities just like Congressman John Lewis has been insulted numerous times. Congressman was a significant leader in the civil rights movement of the 60’s and up to the present day he has encountered protesters and verbal assaults from them. Regarding gender roles, these are still common these days. Compared to previous years women have progressed in society and acquire numerous prestigious positions in society. Many women are underestimated in the labor area as if they cannot do as good as a job as a man can. For example, as a mechanical engineering students I have faced numerous comments on how it is strange that a woman would be so interested in that field, do a man’s work and be as good as them. In different households the scenario prevails as the woman who does the entire house cleaning and taking care of the children while the man goes to work. I cannot remember clearly what brand of car it was but there was an advertisement where it showed a minivan for the woman and a sports car for the man. This clearly addressed the gender roles mentioned before. Homosexuality is addressed in a scene in the movie where they weren’t allowed to join the military and were discriminated against. Throughout history there has always been discrimination towards them from society and the different religious groups present. They were prosecuted and murdered. Nowadays homosexuals are still adapting to society and many homophobes have murdered homosexuals just because they think it is immoral in their perspective and lack of respect towards them. The 60’s movie addressed very well the issues during that decade and demonstrate us that there is still work to do in order to try and diminish these prejudices from society and keep poisoning it causing violence and disorder.
I'm surprised that you uncovered the one scene that points to sexual preference issue! I always notice that seen too...I think the military has made progress on overcoming this discrimination. I think the "Don't ask Don't tell" rule is gone, finally...though I'm not entirely sure if the prejudice against homosexuals has been overcome.